Our Story: The Legacy of Cattle Breeding

Phil Archer

Laddie and Willadean Archer
Trojan Hill Farms was founded by Wade and Laddie Archer, father and son. Laddie purchased four registered Angus heifers in 1947 in Memphis, Missouri. Laddie's purchase solidified Wade's desire to form a partnership known as A.W. Archer and Son. After this partnership dissolved in 1969, Laddie Archer and Sons was renamed Trojan Hill Farms. Laddie and Willadean Archer took over the farming operations with their four sons. The older two sons, Curtis and Douglas, left the farm after high school and chose to pursue other career interests. Phillip and Darryl remained to carry on the family tradition.
Along with our registered angus herd, we added the Charolais breed in 1987. We started our Charolais herd from Martin and Greg Jorgensen who are pioneers in performance testing in the breed. We have been on the Angus Beef Improvement Records (AHIR) since 1974. In addition, we have been using Artificial Insemination (AI) to improve our herd since 1974.
One of our highlights in breeding cattle occurred in 1989 when we sold Taylor of Trojan A 384, a proven son of Traveler, to ABS Global, INC. He remained in stud for the next 6 years with only a small amount of semen available currently. In 1996, we sold a Charolais bull, Conway of Trojan T 202, a proven son of Duke 914 to ABS. Some of our best cows still are sired by Conway and his semen can be purchased at the present date.
Furthermore, we have over 20 years of ultrasound and carcass data on all of our cattle. Last year, our Angus bulls had an Intramuscular Fat (IMF) average of 6. This is 35% above the breed average. Our Charolais bulls, had an IMF average of 4. This is 45% above the breed average. These results were achieved on a high corn silage base ration and with no creep. Our last year slaughter cattle, both Angus and Charolais, had graded 40% Prime and 60% Choice. We had over $100.00 a head premium.
We, at Trojan Hill Farms, feel that our biggest strength is the ability to help our customers achieve higher profits and sustainability with their cattle.
Satisfied Customers:
Jim, Gary and Jeff Lindquist and Kenny Pamperin, Green Top, MO have used Trojan Hill Farm genetics for the last 25 years. During that time, they have received a premium from $20 to $40 per hundred weight for their calves.
Curtis Heemsbergen, Selma, IA said his last angus bull he purchased from Trojan Hill Farms was used for 10 breeding seasons. He was very satisfied.
Tom Canon, Newton IA, purchased a Charolais cow, Heiress Of Trojan 720, from Trojan Hill Farms. Recently he sold 1⁄2 interest for $34,000.
Duane and Jacob Davis, Eddyville, IA said with each generation of Trojan Hill genetics, our weight and quality has improved. Duane Davis commented that this year, his calves weighed more than ever this year.
Meinders Stock Farm, Buffalo Center, IA purchased 4, bred, 2 year old Charolais cows in the fall of 2017. In the fall of 2018, because of their success, they planned to put 2 of them in their ET program.
Leonard Horst, Memphis, MO was told by his sale barn, that his calves, sired by Trojan Hill bulls, was the highest priced calves that were sold this past year.